Sep 23Liked by Silas Abrahamsen

The best and brightest philosophers are the ones most likely to have a very strong, albeit subconscious, intuition that:

1. (Correlation) The best ideas are among the most wrong and harmful.

However, they are also likely very consciously aware that:

2. (Observation) Creating echo chambers increases how wrong and harmful ideas become.

Now, given the interplay of their subconscious and conscious, it is very understandable that they might generate the following semi-conscious reasoning:

3. (From 1, Inferred Causation) The quality of an idea is identical to how wrong and harmful it is

4 (From 2 & 3) I can increase the quality of my ideas by creating an echo chamber

5 (From 4, Implementation) I can create an echo chamber by instituting paid prescriptions)

6 (Summary & Value Judgment) It is a good and wholesome thing for me to institute paid subscriptions

I applaud you if the semi-conscious process that led to you considering paid subscriptions followed the pattern above. It would suggest that you are among the best and brightest philosophers

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Sep 23Liked by Silas Abrahamsen

I wish I had money to give you man, or any money at all for that matter haha :'), also completely broke and can relate to the rice stuff haha. I truly wish non-broke people will show up and help you though! Good luck :)

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Thank you very much, I completely understand! And I wish you the best of luck on making it through the next 7 days of rice-eating! ;)

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